Home Technology What is Microsoft Azure

What is Microsoft Azure

by Thomas
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Azure is owned by the world’s largest software company, we’re talking about Microsoft, including cloud services dedicated to companies to manage work or to develop applications. The Azure cloud solves several issues that businesses have on a daily basis by moving infrastructure to it, saving time and money. Azure takes a vision of applications in cloud computing by managing the entire lifecycle of Windows applications. Azure includes 3 main components:

  1. The infrastructure called Fabrick where there are several computers running virtual machines running Windows 2. Storage is the service that helps your application manage its data reliably and scalably 3. development experience

For those who use it for the first time it can be complex and incomprehensible but over time you will find that it is a very simple and intuitive platform able to combine the different services offered, because they can be integrated in order to develop a cloud-based structure or “on premises” services that enable flexibility, sensitive data management, time-cushioned investment, system and data control, and dedicated technical support.

Azure is based on 22 datacenters around the world and responds to every possible need such as creating applications based on artificial intelligence, disk space, websites, the peculiarity is that this service is available everywhere and at all times and compatible with the different operating systems (not just Microsoft): Linux, Cent OS , Ubuntu, Open SUSE etc… With Azure you can create and deploy applications for IOS and Android, have access to hundreds of apps like Drop Box, DocuSign, Google App, Office 365 and so on.

I remember you only pay what you use, billing per hour, no initial sign-up costs and functionality and reliability guaranteed by a big company named Microsoft.

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