Home Investments Cruise Market

Cruise Market

by Thomas
il mercato delle crociere

The cruise market is constantly growing both economically and socially.

The numbers speak for themselves, the steady increase in profits over the last 10 years shows how this business is going with the wind in the stern. Companies continue to invest in the market that in recent years has become flourishing, not only for them but also for the Italian ports where ships dock. I see the appalling growth that the ports of Savona have had of 7.5% (Costa Cruises), Genoa is 2.3%( Msc) ,Civitavecchia -0.7%, Naples -3.5% and Palermo -1.5%, resulting in significant developments because there is a need for more manodeper while for cities there is more revenue for tour operators and traders, I would add consistently since the ships “well or evil” do the same ride in the Mediterranean Sea.

Some numbers speak of 50,000 more jobs between land and board in addition to food and beverage partners and technicians such as Fincantieri, as said above passengers represent for the territory a cheap flywheel to all tour operators and traders Local.

From a social point of view, there has been a real boom in the cruise market in the last 10/15 years; The average age of passengers is 45 years and the average duration of the cruise days is 7 days while the favourite destination is Mediterranean. Why this phenomenon of the cruise market?

The value for money is great, once on board you don’t have to think about anything, the cruise offers all kinds of entertainment ranging from lounge bars, restaurants, casinos, disco club, spas, cinemas and gyms to name a few. Access apart from some packages such as wellness and drinks is free,children under 18 do not pay and have areas used for them so parents can enjoy the holiday in relaxation. Grapevine, social media and the media have pushed this market”cruise beyond imagination, this makes us understand how companies are going to be in full swing by renewing their fleets with the best standards to offer increasingly accurate services to their Customers.

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