Home Investments Investments for Millenials

Investments for Millenials

by Thomas
Investments for Millenials

This article is a reflection on a” key generation“, I thought about it last week due to coronavirus situation and I wondered what will investments for Millenials be like?

Yes, some people will have heard of it before, millenials are the generation of people born between 80’s and 90’s, I can say a significant number that will have a strong impact on the economy. They are guys who know how to use a smartphone, a PC and in general everything related to technology. They also know how to buy online, use digital platforms and mentally they are much more familiar with technology than previous generations but also the less fortunate economically.

Yes, millenials are not experiencing a period of well-being and tranquility, both economically and socially and because??? They experienced the financial crisis of technology (internet bubble), terrorist attack in 2001 Twin Towers and the subprime mortgage crisis in 2008 (failure of Lehman Brothers). Millenials therefore, given the uncertainty about future, pay much more attention to money while saving more than previous generations, follow market trends, are informed and connected thanks to internet and social networks and are very sensitive to environmental issues.

I forgot about retirement, many of them are worried about having to work until they’re over 67, according to Transamerica Retirement Survey 70 percent said they’ll work beyond 65 while the baby boomer generation wants to stop earlier. On an economic level I have identified two categories: Millenials who will inherit a good estate (some of them will be High Net Worth) and those who will have more difficulty given working situation.

Investments must be made according to a long-term logic, not everyone can become professional traders so new generations’s savings will have to move towards funds or companies’ s stocks that will better grasp trends.

Fund rankings can be reached on www.morningstar.com, they are not difficult to find while ratings and quotes are easy to understand obviously the risk profile and starting capital are not the same for everyone.

Once you have defined the strategy you have to choose, personally ( if I wasn’t a trader ) I would direct my savings on funds/Etf that invest in:

  • Technology
  • Biotechnology
  • Biotechnology
  • Renewable energy
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Gaming
FundBest performance 2019/2020
Goldman SachsLU1336753964
Goldman SachsLU0786609619

Investing is important because in the future retirement could be at risk, countries were already in trouble before coronavirus, if you mind governments often cut health and pension so play ahead.

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