Home Property market Real estate split

Real estate split

by Thomas
frazionamento immobiliare

In recent years we are witnessing a new form of investment called real estate splitting. Despite the economic crisis that has been going on for several years, the unstable political environment , the segment that is going strong concerns purchase large houses in order to split and make some apartments to rent.

The keywords are: split and invest , the reasons are different such as returns that depending on the area, it can reach a 5/6% annual plus possible revaluation of the property over the years; calculating that bond market give little or nothing it’s definitly a good challenge. Another way is the phenomenon of short rentals (Airbnb, Homeaway etc…) with which the owners are betting a lot since Italy is in the top five of the most visited destinations in the world.

Another key element is the possibility of making a mortgage at ultra-facilitated rates (I always remind my users, that this is the time to do it and if you already have one going on for years, check another interest rate with your bank) to buy properties at affordable prices, then split them up and put them to income, taking advantage that the retail apartment is more expensive than the wholesale one , in fact if you make a case mono/bilo/trilo are more expensive in comparison with larger apartments (150/200m2).

To recap, buying a property to split it, in my opinion is an excellent form of investment because:

1. two smaller apartments are much more rentable than large ones and in the end the price of the rent will be higher

2.the investor can buy two where one will be his domicile while the other rents it, thus re-entering within a few years in the restructuring costs

3.Splitting apartments to expand the market offer is a smart choice if you look at the phenomenon of “microliving” where small sizes of 30/40 m2 make throat to students, workers who come from outside.

I end with a few small measures on split/invest, youhave always to pay attention to the place where you want to buy (services offered and proximity of transport), green areas where there is less pollution and for future if there is the possibility of area development.

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