Home Property market Tueke the revolutionary start-up of 2020

Tueke the revolutionary start-up of 2020

by Thomas

Those who follow me will know that I am connected not only on financial markets but also on new realities, in this article I will talk about Tueke the revolutionary Italian start-up of 2020.
Time for uncertainty.
Fancy news.
How about we get ready as soon as we can leave?

Do you work in accommodations too? How long has no one been asking you what you need? What are your wishes? We have created a survey precisely to start from your needs and desires. Your opinion is also important for Tueke the Milanese startup that wants to start from your needs’s analysis.

Today I’m talking about Tueke a new virtual square where the roles of bookings are reversed: travelers eager to travel better and more make their offer in terms of destination, budget and preferences and Hosts who want to sell their unsold, hoping that it will soon return to being marginal, optimizing commissions’s costs, choose travelers interesting to them as in a search engine to the contrary; As this is a private agreement, the official tariff is not affected.

Let’s hear what Carol Galuzzi tells us one of the 3 co-founders, all 3 great travelers, 2 in tourism always.
I’ve been living in tourism since I was 16 years old, and my last experience as a sales manager in hospitality made me think of Tueke (which means luggage in Maori language) as an extra alternative to intercept a new demand; Unsold has always been an issue to work on to optimize earnings and we hope it can soon return to marginal.
That’s why I created Tueke with Luca and Emanuela, the revenue manager who has worked with me for the last 9 years in an Italian hotel chain: we do not ask the hosts to sell, the tool is totally in their hands and they can simply choose the right customer, at the right time, at the right budget for them.

Tueke is already active but wants to open throughout Italy by the end of July, the invitation is addressed to all operators who manage accommodation facilities and comes loud and clear from Carol: “together we are stronger, we want to offer you an extra tool, register on Tueke is free.
Just 1 minute, you think about choosing Guest and welcoming him, we will focus on finding new channels to get you new Guests.
It’s challenging especially now, but we want to try it out with you and all the commissions we collect on the sale will be fully reinvested to improve Tueke experience and to find new travelers’s flows.

In addition to The Hosts, Carol also identifies very well in the travelers she addresses in these terms:
We’re validating the idea nationwide. I believe in network, sharing, in the team, I believe that the world is the best classroom and I have a goal, to make everyone travel more, sustainably, working on the “empty” of the accommodation facilities, hoping that they will soon return to being marginal.

And so, if you, like me, feel the need to disconnect and leave, if you have little time/desire to look for the right solution, you could be our early adopter. Write to me in private:
How many are you
What budget do you have
And I’m going to try to send you the best solution for you.
Are you ready, are we packing?

For each information or request:


www.tueke.com       +39 339 49 89 505 (also whatsapp)


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